Our Services

Compressed Natural Gas, also well known as CNG, is an auto fuel in Gaseous state. Mainly comprising of Methane (80% to 90%) CNG is low density and is compressed up to 200 bar pressure so that it can be stored in a larger capacity in the fuel tank. Hence, it is named Compressed Natural Gas.

CNG is less likely to auto-ignite on hot surfaces, since it has a high auto-ignition temperature (540 degrees centigrade) and a narrow range (5%-15%) of in flammability. It means that if CNG concentration in the air is below 5% or above 15%, it will not burn. This high ignition temperature and limited flammability range makes accidental ignition or combustion very unlikely.

Safe Fuel

The properties of CNG make it a safe fuel. It is stored in high gauge seamless cylinders which are certified so negligible chance of leakage. It is lighter than air, so in case of leak it just rises up and disperses into the atmosphere and mixes in the air easily and evenly.

Car Services

  • Change the engine oil.

  • Replace the oil filter.

  • Replace the air filter.

  • Replace the fuel filter.

  • Replace the cabin or a/c filter.

  • Replace the spark plugs.

  • Check level and refill brake fluid/clutch fluid.

Green Fuel

Commonly referred to as the green fuel because of its lead and sulphur free character, CNG reduces harmful emissions. Being non-corrosive, it enhances the longevity of spark plugs. Due to the absence of any lead or benzene content in CNG, the lead fouling of spark plugs, and lead or benzene pollution are eliminated.